The Journey is a community of believers. Our mission is the one Jesus gave us. Go and make disciples.


Formed in 2005, The Journey is a church family with the desire to reach out to those on the outside of hope looking in. Located in downtown Spartanburg, SC, we are a multi-racial, multi-generational church family. Clear and understandable teaching from the Bible, powerful worship, unity in diversity, and a heart for missions are the trademarks of The Journey.

We are committed to following Christ | The Journey exists to make true followers of Jesus. We do not seek to set our own agenda. We desire to simply follow Him. After all, he is the Son of God, the one who forgives our wrongs, and who gives us life!

We are committed to teaching others to follow Christ | Once your life is changed by Jesus, you want others to meet Jesus! His direction to us is to go and make true followers of Jesus anywhere and everywhere.

We are committed to unity in diversity | God is not just interested in changing the lives of people who look like you or I might look. His plan is to bring people from all different races and backgrounds together to experience life with Him forever. We figure, "Why not get started bringing people together right now?"

We are committed to impacting the next generation | Can you imagine meeting God and experiencing for yourself how amazing life can be with him, but then not sharing that with your children? Neither can we! We are committed to sharing the greatness of God and offering hope for the future to all the children we can!

We are committed to reaching those on the outside of hope looking in | Jesus came to offer hope to those that many religious people had ignored and cast aside. He intentionally went places and reached out to people that others would not. So do we!

+ The Journey is a member of the Spartanburg County Baptist Network and the Southern Baptist Convention. Our beliefs are reflected in the Baptist Faith and Message.


Chris Pollard

Rev. Chris Pollard is the founding Pastor of The Journey Church. Chris is a pastor's kid and a missionary's kid who spent time in South America while his parents served as missionaries. He has over 30 years experience in ministry, including over a decade serving as an addictions counselor. Chris holds a B.A. in Psychology and a M.A. in Christian Counseling Psychology. He is a licensed and ordained minister. His value to the community of Spartanburg was recognized in 2008 when he was awarded the Bill Barnett Service Above Self Award for Spartanburg County. Chris is joined in ministry by his wife, Tish. Together, they raise three children and have also served as foster parents for children in crisis. He is also the catalyst for Come Closer Spartanburg, a partnership network bringing Christians and churches together to address needs in our city.

Christel Mabry

Christel is our Ministry Assistant, a Jesus-loving, people-loving, servant- hearted bundle of energy! She serves to help us organize our various ministry efforts, including children’s ministry, transportation, community outreach, and much more.

Valerie Bowens

“Ms. Val” oversees the First Impressions team for The Journey. She makes sure you feel welcome, get plenty to eat, and that the rest of us are doing what we’re supposed to be doing!

Jeff McGraw

Jeff overseas our A/V ministry and special projects. None of us know exactly what qualifies as a special project. All we know is that whenever anything needs to be done, it quietly gets done and Jeff always seems to have been in the vicinity when it got done!


The Journey is overseen by a team of elders. These are trustworthy men who have been selected, trained, and appointed to serve in this leadership role. Although our pastor on staff often serves in a more public and visible role, he is only one of a team of men who oversee the spiritual well-being of our church family.


Contact Us/Find us

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If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us by email. Just click the mail icon at the bottom of the page or emails us at this address:

And for more resources, links, videos, and information, LIKE The Journey Facebook page!


the journey

150 S. Forest St.
Spartanburg, SC 29306