Resources for Disciple-Makers

What is a discipleship partner?

A discipleship partner is a little bit like a sponsor for someone in recovery. It is someone who has walked the road of building a new life in Christ themselves. They offer encouragement, strength, hope, and wisdom as a follower of Jesus. They come alongside a participant seeking to build a new life in Jesus in a humble, encouraging, and godly way. Their main focus is to help a person understand and apply the teaching from Jesus they are discovering through Starting Over.

What are the responsibilities of a discipleship partner?

  • Commit to spending time walking with a person through the book

  • Personally practice the truths and principles being taught

  • Pray for the person you are discipling daily

  • Discuss the weekly Starting Over reading, accompanying video session, and help the participant discover how it applies to their life right now

  • Assist them in connecting with other community resources should they have a physical or emergency need

8 tips for ministering to those in great need